2016 was another notable year for PAYETTE – this past year, we were fortunate to be recognized with many honors for both our practice and our design. This is certainly a testament to our collaborative culture cultivated in our single office studio, but also to our clients’ and their projects that continually challenge us and force us to think unconventionally. We also had the privilege to work on projects outside of our typical built environment, and utilized our in-house talents for different mediums such as educational videos, sketchbooks and fashion.
Learn more about our award-winning projects:
National University of Ireland, Galway, Biosciences Research Building
AIA National Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Green Projects
BSA, Sustainable Design Award
George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health
AIA New York / COTE Honor Award
BSA, Honor Award
BSA, Sustainable Design Award
Temple University, Health Sciences Campus Master Plan
SCUP, Excellence in Planning for an Existing Campus
L’Hôpital de St. Boniface, Maternity Ward and Neonatal Care Unit
Architizer A+ Awards, Special Mention in Details: Architecture & Humanitarianism
Columbia University, SEAS Data Science Institute
AIA/New England, Merit Award, Interiors Category
Harvard University, Sherman Fairchild Biochemistry Laboratory
I2SL, Go Beyond Award, Buildings Category
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, 75/125 Binney Street
AIA/New England, Citation Award, Commercial Category
Architizer A+ Awards, Special Mention in Details: Architecture & Stairs Category
National University of Ireland, Galway, Hardiman Research Building
BSA, Educational Facilities Award
Cornell University, Kimball Hall Renovation
R&D Magazine, Renovated Lab of the Year
Boston Children’s Hospital, Mandell Building
AIA/New England, Merit Award, Institutional Category
Northeastern University, Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex
Architect Newspapers’s Best of Design Awards: Digital Fabrication Category
Glazing and Thermal Comfort Analysis Tool
AIA/TAP Innovation Awards, Honorable Mention: Practice-Based Research/Academic/Curriculum/Applied Technology Development
IIDA New England Fashion Show, Best Interpretation of Theme
PAYETTE Holiday Sketchbook, Honoring the memory of Sho-Ping Chin
SMPS Boston, Best Holiday Piece, Best in Show
“You Are Here: Wendy’s Welcome to the ED”
Patients’ View Impact Awards, Patient Champion Award