How can we leverage past design experience to design better for the future?
Last fall at Greenbuild, Andrea Love, alongside Jim Hanford (The Miller Hull Partnership), Z Smith (Eskew+Dumez+Ripple) and Lois Vitt Sale (Wight & Company), examined the gap between predicted and measured performance. They demonstrated that it is possible to achieve performance exceeding prediction, but it requires working in new ways and staying engaged with buildings long after they’re ‘done’. Paula Melton followed-up these core ideas with her article “Why Post-Occupancy Review Is the Future of Design (And How It can Serve you Now)” in
In the article Andrea shared some of PAYETTE’s experiences with post occupancy engagement as well as a few post occupancy related research projects, like a multi-building post-occupancy study on how users engage with common areas. Research is an integral part of how we inform our practice and POEs are an on-going part of that.
Read the full article on
The Importance of Shadow Studies
Process and Purpose of Post Occupancy Evaluations
Research Project: Shadow Studies