Attending next month’s ArchitectureBoston Expo (ABX)? Be sure to check out Developing Young Leaders: Staying current in a time of change on Wednesday, 11/20.
We have changed the way we work, the technology we use and the way we communicate. How does the architecture profession stay relevant in a time of change? In this workshop we emphasize the value of engaging young professionals and the importance of adapting to current communication trends. Through utilizing current trends we have the opportunity to amplify our network, the connections made through social media and blogging are invaluable to idea sharing. Connecting with the full extent of the architectural community elevates the conversation and allows us to develop content that was not possible 20 years ago. Using PAYETTE’s Young Designers Core as a case study we investigate the importance of a structured program that fosters open communication, innovation and support for designers at all stages of their career. This framework allows for adaptation in a time of change where young leaders emerge and are encouraged to get involved both in the firm as well as within the architectural community at a national level. In response to the AIA’s repositioning of its role within the profession and engagement of young leaders, the Young Designers Core has adapted its practices to continue to develop young leaders beyond the individual firm.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Elizabeth Kankainen, Designer, PAYETTE
Ranjit Korah, Designer, PAYETTE