Attending ABX 2020? While this year’s event will be held virtually, we are excited to be leading several workshops with topics including sustainability, enhanced collaborative models, and equity, diversity and inclusion.
All workshops will be recorded and available for streaming through March 2021. Below are details on our sessions.

Path to Change: Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Sarah Lindenfeld, AIA, Managing Principal, PAYETTE
Sara Gewurz, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Associate Principal, PAYETTE
Mali Ouzts, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Associate, PAYETTE
As firms change their approaches to any number of issues related to building an equitable, diverse and inclusion future, there is a movement happening in many firms. It is often not at the top – it’s those leading from the middle that are agitating for change. They do it through integrating equity in practice management, project management and even in the upward management of project teams. Hear from three different perspectives inside one firm about how small actions, often at the individual level, can make big gains on the path to change.
Millennials Make a Sustainable Mark on the AEC Industry
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Alexander Zink, AIA, Architect, PAYETTE
Arielle Scher, Associate AIA, Design Coordinator, HGA
Barbra Batshalom, Associate AIA, Executive Director, Sustainable Performance Institute
Benjamin Silverman, CPHC, LEED AP BD+C, Climate and Buildings Program Manager, City of Boston Environment Department
Meredith Elbaum, AIA, LEED AP, Executive Director, Built Environment Plus
Millennials came of age during times of change and turmoil in the 2000s with 9/11 and the Great Recession. Yet we were taught that in our lifetimes, Global Climate Change would be a far more serious and devastating crisis. We were told that humans needed to make serious and dramatic changes by key milestone dates. 2020 was one of these milestones, and now millennials have arrived in the AEC workforce. We have been disappointed by the slow progress toward creating a sustainable built environment. Why has the industry not acted swiftly to embrace net-zero energy and carbon neutrality? What are the major hurdles holding back sustainable agendas? Will the pace of change meet our generation’s vision for a sustainable world? Join our group of young AEC professionals as we interview industry leaders and tackle these questions. Afterward, we hope you will walk away as an agent for a sustainable future.
Low Carbon Buildings: Reducing Operational & Embodied Carbon
On-Demand Access
Elizabeth Galloway, PE, CEM, CPHD, WELL AP, LEED AP BD+C, Building Scientist, PAYETTE
Jennifer Hardy, AIA, Senior Associate, PAYETTE
Hilary Williams, PE CEng, MIMechE, LEED AP BD+C, Associate / Mechanical Engineer, Arup
With the urgent need to dramatically reduce the carbon impact of buildings, West 2 for the College of Engineering at Penn State University shows a way forward with dramatic reductions in embodied and operational carbon. Featuring active learning spaces for teaching and research, making, testing and prototyping from a broad range of disciplines, this presentation will highlight the design process and strategies used to realize this low carbon building. Presented by the architect, engineer, and building scientist on how they evaluated and sought to optimize occupant thermal comfort, ultra-low energy performance, reductions in embodied carbon of the enclosure and structural systems, high quality indoor environment and occupant health. The result exemplifies the fusion of design and performance while meeting the clients’ cost and programmatic requirements, and simultaneously significantly reducing embodied carbon and meeting the Architecture 2030 goal of reducing operational energy use in buildings by 80%.
Precision Structure and Unique Façades: Collaboration is Key
On-Demand Access
Jeff Anderson, Design Manager, TriPyramid Structures
Mark Bandzak, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Senior Associate, PAYETTE
Have you ever been considering options for a unique façade and wondered, “is this even possible”? We are here to tell you that it is…as long as you have the right skill sets on the design team early. Learn how collaboration and early detailing of a precision back up structure opens possibilities to architects and the design team in developing a unique façade. We will share a case study for the Williams College New Science South Building where early collaboration with a design partner afforded greater flexibility in executing the precision backup. You will see firsthand how these efforts kept the vision of a unique high-performance façade system intact, while adapting to a series of owner, architect and contractor driven system changes (without large change orders)! Join us to see the possibilities of structural back-up systems when you have the right resources and process.
Inspiration for Our Next Decade of Action
On-Demand Access
Lisa Goodwin Robbins, RA, CCS, LEED A, Architect/Specifier, Kalin Associates
Lisa Carey Moore, LEED AP BD+C, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Integrated Eco Strategy
Lisa K. Britton, CSI, CCPR, LEED AP BD+C, GGP, Director, Sales & Marketing/Sustainability Champion, Industrial Louvers, Inc.
Andrea Love, AIA, LEED Fellow, Principal/Director of Building Science, PAYETTE
Leaders in selecting, specifying, and manufacturing products with a focus on transparency and material optimization will share real world experience and inspiration for our next ten years of progress. Participants will leave the sessions with documented goals for collaborating to impact the materials economy.
Enhanced Collaborative Models for Healthcare Mock-Ups
On-Demand Access
Elizabeth Cox, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, EDAC, Associate, PAYETTE
Susan Blomquist, AIA, LEED AP, Associate Principal, PAYETTE
Emmanuel Andrade, MPA, RA, NCARB, LEED AP, Project Manager, Statewide Accessibility Initiative, Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM)
Full-scale mock-ups are a traditional, and essential, part of the healthcare design process. The overlay of virtual and augmented reality tools brings these mock-ups to life by fully immersing end users into their future environments. The combination of the simple mock-up and digital technology enables project teams to strategically facilitate more efficient and collaborative feedback and clarify design and functional intent for users, owners and regulatory agencies.
This diverse group of speakers will discuss the methods used to evaluate mock-ups for The Chelsea Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea, MA and Massachusetts General Hospital’s Assembly Row Imaging Suite in Somerville, MA. The process used on these projects enabled the design teams to test new patient care models, collect feedback on interior finishes and accessibility and, in the case of The Soldiers’ Home, aid in obtaining a variance from the state regulatory agency.