PAYETTE’s Young Designers Core hosted the annual YDC vs. ODC softball game in late October. Our two teams, “young” and “old” designers core, are organized by age to create quite an interesting competition. Each year, the teams go up against each other to deem the best softball players across the firm. Historically, ODC takes the prize – bragging rights until the next year.
Rain was predicted to drown out the fields, but luckily held off, leaving the group with perfect playing conditions. Everyone gathered at Joe Moakley Park in Boston on a Friday afternoon with refreshing subs and beers. This annual game always gets everyone at PAYETTE excited and eager to be a part of the action.
This year, YDC had a remarkably rowdy cheering section in the bleachers despite their historic losing streak. Ashley Broyles (YDC), PAYETTE OpenLab Student, made great game-changing plays at 3rd base leading her to become the MVP for the YDC team. William Cox (YDC) delivered several well-rounded pitches, however, too little too late to save the score for YDC.

Bob Schaeffner on the ODC team pitched a great game. Eamonn Meagher (ODC) made hits for a single, double, triple and home run plays. And Jonah Prada (ODC) and Mickey Chapa (ODC) showed impressive defense skills in the outfield for the ODC, contributing to their skyrocketing score.
With game engagement at an all-time high, Jonah Prada was struck with a fly ball after it deflected off Mickey Chapa’s mitt. Ashley Broyles also suffered a few grazes from her many diving plays on a rock-hard infield. Although blood was shed, the teams gave their all to bring home the winning title. Their effort was unmatched!

In the conclusion of the 7th and final inning, ODC crushed YDC’s hopes of victory yet again with a tremendous 32 to 6 final score.
We can’t wait until next year in a new attempt to take the title from the ODC and spend an enjoyable afternoon with our colleagues.