Animations fuse together the design concept and the project’s story. Our spaces are designed with so much thought, craft and detail but they are not fully realized entities until they are occupied by people. Animations are a perfect way to connect people to these spaces before they become reality. We take our clients on a tour of spaces they will work, study, research, operate and heal in. Animation styles can range widely—from loose and sketchy to highly realistic —and help our clients envision how the final space will be used.
The University of Pittsburgh invited our Design Visualization Group to create a promotional fundraising movie for their new Scaife Hall West Wing Addition. The addition provides medical students with state-of-the-art spaces for learning using today’s methods. The movie takes viewers on a detailed tour that shows off the building’s dynamic exterior presence, its open and collaborative public spaces, classrooms built for today’s (and tomorrow’s) students and the beautiful auditorium with details that speak to the exterior language of the façade.
For the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, the design team needed help telling their story. This animation helped reveal some of the intricacies of the massing and specific architectural details of this project, such as the irregular placement of the classrooms and how they are visible through the serrated glass façade. The grand atrium space with interlocking floor plates and stairways is a complicated space and we relied on the animation to show how we envisioned transparency and light in the building’s central space.
For our project at the University of Iowa, we developed an animation technique that told the project’s story in a loose sketch fashion. Since it was early in the design phase, we did not have many of the specific details worked out, but instead wanted to capture the essence of the design idea. This technique helped us successfully communicate the overall design intent, without focusing on minute details.