In the 3Q 2017 YAF CONNECTION Magazine, read about our recent healthcare pro bono work and why individuals in our firm decided to get involved. YAF CONNECTION is the official magazine for young architects produced by the Young Architects Forum that includes articles on leadership, mentorship and fellowship.
In the article below, Mike Lee, Justin Miller and Garrett House share their experiences working on Project Wendy, a video project for MGH for Children (MGHfC) to help make Emergency Department visits less stressful for patients. Since MGHfC started using the video in October 2016, ED doctors and nurses have attested to the video’s ability to calm patients and families. Each year the Pediatric ED sees nearly 14,000 visitors, who are all now welcomed by a real kid, just like them.
Also featured is our St. Boniface Hospital Maternity Ward project, led by former PAYETTE Prinicpal Sho-Ping Chin, which is an addition to the only hospital in the southern peninsula in Haiti. Since it opened in 2015, the hospital serves 2,000 inpatient cases, 42,000 emergency room visits and 5,000 births annually.