PAYETTE is proud to share the news that Elizabeth Cox has been named President of the AIA New England Regional Council. Elizabeth has been active in the New England Regional Council board for five years, beginning as the Young Architects Regional Director representative and subsequently serving as Secretary and Treasurer, Vice President Elect and now as President. She was initially encouraged to serve on the Council by Sho-Ping Chin, and is thankful for her encouragement and mentorship.

The Regional Council is comprised of the Executive Directors and Presidents from each region as well as elected council members and Regional Council representatives. The New England region is comprised of 9 chapters including the BSA, Central Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island. The regional council provides a forum for discussing and prioritizing issues and initiatives from the region’s chapters and providing feedback to the AIA Strategic Council representatives, who act as liaison between the local council and the AIA Strategic Council. In addition, the Regional Council connects local chapters, serves as a regional resource and sponsors the AIA New England Design Awards program.
Initiatives on the agenda for the upcoming year include continuing the council’s past work to elevate the discussion of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. This means looking to gauge and adopt best practices that chapters in the region have developed and keeping EDI at the forefront of discussions at the National level.
Elizabeth is excited to serve as President and is inspired by the passion and energy she sees in the leadership of each individual chapter and how much they bring to the chapters they serve.