With fifteen years of programming and planning experience, Abby has shepherded multiple science and research projects through successful complex user engagement processes, from master planning through programming and into design. She has been a key team member on significant projects at Amherst College, Wesleyan University, Penn State, Bates College, Bryn Mawr College and Cape Cod Community College.
As part of our Space Strategies Group, Abby focuses on shepherding information and data collection across the firm and works to advance and articulate the firm’s process for planning and programming. Abby is also a leader in fostering engagement and collaboration within the firm, where she has spearheaded and led multiple office-wide hackathons, fostered dialogues to enhance synergy and innovation, and promoted hands-on tools for idea-sharing in workshops.
M.Arch., 2007, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
B.A., Physics and English, 1998, Wesleyan University