Jefferson Health is enlarging its Center City Philadelphia campus with the Center for Advanced Medicine, a 21-story inpatient tower and Ambulatory Care Building. The plan maximizes the site’s potential for development, creating a new heart for the healthcare campus, bringing clarity and definition to clinical processes and improving patient access to the site. The new buildings will complete the restorative infill of an entire city block and connect all modalities of patient care on the downtown campus.
Jefferson Health
Center for Advanced Medicine Study
Project Statistics
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania \ United States
840,000 GSF
Ambulatory Care, Inpatient Tower, Cancer Center, Cardiovascular Center, Digestive Health and Diseases, Spine Institute, Transplant Center, Pulmonary Center, Imaging Center, Ambulatory Surgery and Procedural Center
George E. Marsh, Jr., FAIA
Kevin B. Sullivan, FAIA
Design Principal
Wesley Schwartz, AIA
Project Manager / Architect
A Unified Patient Hub
The project consolidates the fragmented care that currently marks Jefferson’s campus, greatly improving the patient experience while bringing efficiency and flexibility to the clinical processes and reducing operating costs. The study analyzed the existing service lines—the paths of patients through the care process—and prioritized the programs that would have the greatest positive impact on the quality and efficiency of care. These include outpatient clinics, infusion suites, radiation oncology facilities and 288 private, inpatient beds, replacing former semi-private beds in aging 1920s and 1950s buildings.
Placemaking in the City
The project includes the new Jefferson Public Park at the center’s drop-off on Chestnut Street, enhancing both the urban experience and Jefferson’s presence in the city. A future linear park along 10th Street will extend this experience, aiding in wayfinding and defining the Jefferson Health brand within its immediate campus context and broader Center City Philadelphia.