Since joining PAYETTE in 2001, Ron has consistently brought a high level of design excellence to complex science and technology projects in research and education. With an exquisite attention to detail as Project Architect and Project Manager, his work ranges through planning studies, renovations and new building projects. Having recently completed a nearly ten year effort at Williams College for the new Wachenheim and Hopper Science Centers, he now leads the Caroline Kimmel Biomedical Research Building and the Alumni Hall Renovation project teams for Jefferson University.
Many additional projects have benefited from Ron’s steady hand and steadfast leadership, including lab renovations at Yale University, the Renova Building fit-out and the new main University Building for Skoltech, the Ohio Wesleyan University Science Center, Harvard University Allston Science programming, Harvard Sherman Fairchild Renovation, the MIT PDSI project and the Johns Hopkins University Broadway Research Building.
B.Arch., 1994, Pratt Institute, School of Architecture