Mark joined PAYETTE in 2005 and has played a crucial role in the conception, design and execution of many of PAYETTE’s most seminal buildings over the past decade. Since his promotion to Senior Associate in 2017, Mark’s creative impact has been felt on an ever-expanding number of these projects, including the University of Vermont, Williams College, the University of Hartford, Cape Cod Community College and the University of Connecticut. He is currently the Project Architect for the UC Berkeley College of Engineering’s new 250,000 GSF Hess O’Brien Seismic Replacement Building, scheduled for completion in 2024.
Since his earliest days with the firm, Mark has epitomized PAYETTE’s passion for architectural craft. His deep knowledge of construction technology, and inventiveness in applying it, are evident in the many prototypical designs and details he has authored. In recent years, Mark’s influence within the practice has widened considerably as he trains a new generation of developing professionals.
M.Arch., 1998, University of Pennsylvania
B.Arch., 1994, Pennsylvania State University