Since joining PAYETTE in 2017, Dane has made a significant impact on a number of the firm’s signature commissions. For six years, he held a primary design team role in the University of Connecticut’s new 200,000 GSF flagship Science 1 STEM research building and Northwest Science Quad, one of the largest and most technically complex projects PAYETTE has executed in recent years. Dane was also a key contributor to the University of Hartford’s Hursey Center for Advanced Engineering and Health Studies, and he is currently leading the design of a prominent new addition to Eaton Hall at Tufts University. Possessing keen design insight, rigorous technical skills and a highly engaging interpersonal style, Dane is equally at ease in our FabLab, on the construction site, working with students or being a mentor to developing professionals in our studio.
M.Arch., 2015, Rhode Island School of Design
B.S., Architecture, 2009, University of Michigan