Melissa joined PAYETTE in 2019 and has worked on several science projects, both large and small. Melissa first worked on the interior spaces for Northeastern University’s EXP engineering research building. She then led several small-scale specialized facilities for Harvard Medical School from programming through construction. Melissa worked on the exterior envelope for Jefferson’s Kimmel Biomedical Research Building before joining the Takeda Research Headquarters project team at its onset.
Melissa co-chairs PAYETTE’s Young Designers Core and was instrumental to maintaining the vibrancy of YDC within PAYETTE’s practice as the pandemic came to a close, organizing events that promote knowledge sharing, culture and mentorship within the firm. She is actively involved in the firm’s MLK Day of Service, Women in Design Group and serves as a mentor for the Boston Private Industry Council Mentorship Program.
• M.Arch., with Distinction, 2019, Wentworth Institute of Technology
• BS, Architecture, 2018, Wentworth Institute of Technology